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Add new service

Support for repositories can be achieved by implementing a "service". The file datahugger/ list various services. For the new service, one needs to develop a new class, ideally inherited from the BaseRepoDownloader class. The class of Open Science Framework (OSFDataset) is a good example of a simple implementation.

from datahugger.base import DatasetDownloader
from datahugger.base import DatasetResult

class OSFDataset(DatasetDownloader, DatasetResult):
    """Downloader for OSF repository."""

    REGEXP_ID = r"osf\.io\/(.*)/"

    # the base entry point of the REST API
    API_URL = ""

    # the files and metadata about the dataset
    API_URL_META = API_URL + "{api_record_id}/files/osfstorage/?format=jsonapi"

    # paths to file attributes
    ATTR_SIZE_JSONPATH = "attributes.size"
    ATTR_HASH_JSONPATH = "attributes.extra.hashes.sha256"
    ATTR_HASH_TYPE_VALUE = "sha256"
  • The API_URL is the entry point for the URL. This URL serves the API.
  • The REGEXP_ID is used to parse the URL and extract the ID. This ID is passed to the function _get with name record_id.
  • Next, the metadata should be retrieved.
  • For every file, download should be called.

Datahugger for research software

Scientific software rarely offers the options to import datasets from a DOI. Imagine what it would look like if you could. You can open a statistical software and you can start working on any published dataset. This is why we need persistent identifiers.